GC3 Mission & Vision

gc3 meeting

The GC3 envisions a global economy where all chemicals, materials and products are safe and sustainable in their creation, use, transport, disposal, recycling, and reuse.

GC3 drives large scale commercial adoption of ever safer, more sustainable, high-performing chemical solutions by:

  • Fostering value chain collaboration
  • Cultivating first-movers 
  • Convening industry decision-makers to secure major commitments
  • Creating a supportive policy environment

GC3's Role In the Eco-System

The GC3 works to accelerate the development and commercialization of innovative green and sustainable chemistry solutions in response to market, science, and policy drivers.  Developing and commercializing innovative chemistry solutions and the products that incorporate them is a necessarily disruptive market process that can result in replacement of—and/or improvement on—existing chemistry.  The GC3’s efforts to drive large scale commercial adoption of safer, sustainable and high performing chemical solutions may focus on specific functions, chemicals or classes identified by members as priorities for innovation and substitution, which may disrupt the market for incumbent chemicals.  In setting priorities for its projects, the GC3 seeks input from its members, scientists, government authorities, and others to develop its priorities for innovation and commercialization.


A Video Introduction to the GC3


How Did the GC3 Begin?

The GC3 originated in 2005 following the Innovators Roundtable on Sustainable Business and Safer Chemistry Through the Supply Chain, a meeting co-hosted by the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production and the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia Charlottesville. On the last day of the meeting, participants requested that the supply chain discussions begun in Charlottesville be given an opportunity to continue, at which point the Lowell Center offered to facilitate these future conversations.

What began as a series of regular conference calls to continue this dialog eventually grew into several working groups, each focused on projects of particular interest, an annual Innovators Roundtable conference to continue working group discussions in person, and an advisory committee to assist the Lowell Center with decision-making.

Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at UMass Lowell

Lowell Center for Sustainable ProductionThe Green Chemistry & Commerce Council (GC3) is a project of the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.  The Lowell Center develops practical solutions to environmental and health problems and helps to advance fundamental changes that lead to a safer and more secure world. This is done by challenging the team to think differently about how our society produces and consumes goods. 

Project Groups

Research and outreach activities and deliverables that advance the GC3 mission are carried out through a series of smaller project groups. The number and focus of projects undertaken each year are decided at the annual GC3 Innovators Roundtable. All GC3 members are encouraged to participate in and take leadership of project groups.

GC3 Innovators Roundtable

The GC3 Innovators Roundtable is an annual event where members, potential members, and invited guests come together to share relevant and up to date information, experiences and knowledge that can help advance the implementation of green chemistry and design for environment practices and the production and marketing of safer chemicals, materials and products.


GC3 members are champions and innovators in the fields of green chemistry and the production of safer chemicals, materials and products. Approximately 75% of GC3 members are individual companies and 25% are representatives from non-governmental organizations, local, state and federal government agencies, and consulting firms.  All members agree to a set of guidelines and policies.